Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

May 8, 2013

(Hilarious) lessons learned from my first crush. {part 2}

    Click here to read part 1 (yesterday's post).

     Welcome to part 2 of my embarressing e-mails between me and my freshman year (of high school) crush. Yesterday I shared the e-mail where I first told "Bob" that I liked him, and today I'm sharing his response to my declaration of puppy love. I had first e-mailed him in the afternoon while I was at school, and here's his response that he wrote back that night.

Red: The fact that Bob started things off with an "anyways" should have been my first warning sign. But then the fact he said "sort of like you" should have been a real turn-off! Seriously, the least I could ask for was a guy that at least was happy to admit that he liked me!
Light Blue: Oh, those good ol' days of e-mail signatures. Did anyone else have one? Mine used to be my name with each letter written in a different color. Anyways, when a guy's declaration of his obsession with video games is that, uh, bold, that's probably showing you where his priorities are.

     But of course, I didn't read this e-mail then they way I'm reading it now. At the time I was super excited and thought that what Bob said translated to that he'd be the love of my high school years my first high school boyfriend. Tomorrow I'll show you the way I responded to this... possibly the worst e-mail that I've ever written.

     Stay tuned!

     xoxo Miss ALK

1 comment

  1. This is too funny! I love his response and the way you read it :)
    Can't wait to see what you wrote back!!


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